The Season’s Just Getting Started
While I love the first month of pheasant season, the true hunter in me longs for the short, colder days of late-season pheasant hunting after Thanksgiving when the birds are bunched up in the thick stuff and fewer hunters are afield.
In fact, part of me believes more people should be aware of the benefits of hunting late-season roosters. Selfishly, the other part of me wants to keep it a secret.
3 Killer Tactics for Hunting Pressured Pheasants
After 30 years of chasing roosters across South Dakota's sloughs and prairies, I've learned one hard truth: today's pheasants aren't your grandpa's birds. Here are my three favorite tactics for outsmarting pressured birds.
Resources for hunting public lands in South Dakota
These resources are game-changers when it comes to hunting public land in South Dakota.
Last-minute dog training tips
Gun dogs bred for performing in the field should be considered professional athletes — and then treated that way.
Early Season Pheasant Tactics
Where to find birds and how to hunt them when all the crops and cover are still standing.
Hunting the ‘other’ upland game
While pheasant reigns king in South Dakota, don't forget about the 'other' upland game — prairie grouse.
Gear review: Irish Setter Wingshooter Boots
The only time you should think about your boots is when you put them on and take them off. If you’re thinking about your feet during the hunt, that means your feet are wet, sore or tired — or all three — and it’s time to find a new pair of boots. Check out why I love my Wingshooters ...
Stage is set for big-time bird production
Pheasant hunters planning a South Dakota hunt this year have good reason to be excited. After a mild winter with extremely low bird mortality, the rains returned to the plains this spring and the landscape has come alive, setting the stage for a banner year of bird production.
2023 Season Recap and Midwinter Field Report
Solid bird numbers and favorable weather conditions combined to make the 2023 pheasant season one for the books. Plus, the table is being set for a banner year of bird production in spring 2024.
South Dakota’s 2024 Pheasant Season
Here are the dates for South Dakota’s 2024 pheasant season.
Where to use nontoxic shot on SD public lands
Here’s a quick breakdown of where to use nontoxic shot on public lands in South Dakota.
How pheasants survive extreme winter weather
Pheasant season closes in South Dakota on Jan. 31, but the state’s pheasant population now faces a more formidable foe than hunters, as it must endure a few more months of a prairie winter.
Tips for hunting late-season roosters
For those willing to head out in the cold and snow, a late-season pheasant hunt is more than worth the effort. Try these three tips to put more birds in the bag this winter.
Mid-November field report
In addition to being their preferred food source in the Dakotas, corn doubles as loafing cover for pheasants. As more and more corn is harvested, it reduces the amount of places pheasants can hide during daylight hours and can make the hunting even better.
Hole hopping
Hole hopping from spot to spot can can quickly turn your day around.
South Dakota resident-only pheasant opener recap
I love hunting the three-day resident-only pheasant season in South Dakota. Habitat = birds = good times.
Where to hunt pheasants in South Dakota: Part 4
While there are not as many pheasants as there are along the Missouri River or throughout most of eastern South Dakota, “West River” birds are often concentrated in slivers of cover adjacent to where crops are found. They might be few and far between, but chasing birds in the big, wide open is an attractive option for many hunters.
Where to hunt pheasants in South Dakota: Part 3
Pheasant hunting up and down the Missouri River is full of sweeping landscapes and big country.
Where to hunt pheasants in South Dakota: Part 2
CREP is a popular public land pheasant hunting option in the James River Valley.
Where to hunt pheasants in South Dakota: Part 1
Pheasant hunting heats up when the weather cools down, especially in areas loaded with cattails that offer thermal cover for birds.